What is 'Paste the Wall' paper?
There are two types of wallpapers and two different methods to hang them.
The first is the traditional Paste the Paper wallpaper, which uses the method of pasting the paper on a pasting table, leaving the paste to soak in and then hanging it on the walls.
The second type of wallpaper is Paste the Wall, which means you paste the wall and then hang the paper.
We find the Paste the Wall method much easier and less messy, which is why all of our wallpapers, murals and borders are Paste the Wall. Here are all the reasons why you should be using the Paste the Wall method too...

It's a lot less messy
Gone are the days of messy painting tables and soggy paper. Pasting the wall means your paste will go straight on the wall and not anywhere else. It also eliminates the need for a pasting table covered with messy wallpaper paste.
You can take your time
With the traditional Paste the Paper method, it's a race against time to hang the paper, line it up correctly and smooth it out before the wallpaper paste dries. With Paste the Wall, if the wallpaper paste dries, you can simply re paste the wall. Doing it this way means you have more time to line up and adjust the paper as it goes up.
It's easier to cut around obstacles
As the paste is already on the wall, you can line your paper up and then easily cut around obstacles such as light switches and sockets, as there's no soggy paper the contend with. A sharp Stanley knife will be able to make quick, clean cuts to give the perfect finish.
You'll have more offcuts you can reuse
With the Paste the Paper method, any offcuts tend to be discarded as they're covered in paste and not reusable. With the Paste the Wall paper, any offcuts are clean and therefore easy to reuse elsewhere in your room, saving wastage! Large offcuts can be reused to paper a small room and any smaller offcuts can be reused as drawer linings or framed artwork.
Less equipment needed
Pasting the wall eliminates the need for a pasting table, meaning it's much easier to hang in smaller spaces as you don't need a large space to set up a work area.
It's strippable
Paste the Wall paper is strippable so you can strip it from your walls and it won't leave them damaged (unlike peel and stick wallpapers which can often leave walls badly damaged) - great news for renters!
It's much quicker
Paste the Wall paper doesn't need time for the paste to soak in, so it's much quicker to hang. Some decorators even say that it reduces decorating time by half!
We recommend using Solvite Paste the Wall paste as it rolls on pink and dries clear, meaning you have visibility where you've already pasted.
Happy decorating!